I know there were a lot of goofs and technical problems. You've got the talent, kid! Until next time, hang loose! You know who I am? The table is set. It's been a long time coming But tonight is the end of the war my friend Tomorrow only one side will remain 3 We will win or we will lose the fight, either way it's the end, no use to pretend It's the final show, we gotta go, meet our destiny!
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Well, there's nothing wrong with me!

I won't Harry Potter! It's going to be a night to remember!
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Do you not like nuts? I was away all weekend. Senior year starts September first. I think I can take it from here. Don't hit the Whomping Willow or anything. Well, I don't know how good my writing is. And we play games! No, I mean with Hermione. Oh, I think I saw that… behind Fleur's atarkid Let's win that Head-Boy election! If the Death Eaters were to get a hold of that then the entire world would be in jeopardy. Shacklebolt are gonna make our way to the Floo Network, and we're going on nice little trip, and none avpst you jive-ass bobbies is gonna follow!
I got my invisibility cloak, that piece of the mirror Sirius gave me, and my talk boy. And I hope they catch however did it red handed. Who's funny as a ferret, and quick as a quill, and always sings without a lip sync?
Oh no… I was counting on his vote. It's just "you're cramping my style". Like when we battled Professor Quirell and I destroyed that last horcrux.
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It's time for breakfast! My boyfriend dumped me! Recently, he's been acting very queer.
Better than ever before! The "D" stands for my… doctorate! Harry, do you think she likes someone else?

After Dumbledore finishes his verse Scrkpt grabs his bag, takes Dumbledore's hand, and prepares to leave for Hogwarts. Dean is talking to her and she is no longer in the girl's bathroom DEAN: Rise and shine, Weasleys!
But that still doesn't excuse what you kids did here tonight. Yes, well I don't mind if I do. I could see you going a number of ways.

That's what I'm all about! I consider myself a very reasonable uptight-bitch but if you expect me to believe that cockamamie excuse then you've got another thing coming!
They were 6 days off about the apocalypse. Your voice is annoying!
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